Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Make-ahead French Toast

Week 37

This week's host was Valerie. She choose Make-ahead French Toast. Recipe on page 71 of our book.

First of all I have to apologize to my readers for this weeks post because there are no pictures. The reason for this is because I made this recipe back in January before one of our group members choose it for her week of hosting and posting. I made it then and didn't think that I would make it again.

Here is the picture from the book to give you an idea what it looks like.

This recipe wasn't hard to make. My favorite part was putting it together the day before. I made this for some friends on a Saturday morning. They spent the night because we were up late playing games. I thought this would make a yummy and easy breakfast because all my work was done before-hand.

That morning was real simple with little work, which was just what I had planned. I made the topping and stuck the french-toast in the oven. Our guests loved it! I wasn't a huge fan on the other hand. The flavor was great but it was a little to eggy (don't think that is a word) and the topping was to sweet. Maybe less brown sugar would of helped. When our guests left the French Toast Casserole sat in the fridge and never got eaten. Knowing the results of this weeks baking before-hand made me not to thrilled to bake it again.

If this recipe sounds up your alley click HERE to make it!

Thanks for hosting Valerie. We had the same idea in picking this recipe, I think.


  1. Maybe next time I will ask for a warning before I pick another recipe. I was sad to waste a turn on this recipe. Although I never would have known if I hadn't tried.

  2. oh i have had a couple of these!! they are such a weird texture! i dont like them much either! but im sure you did a great job!!

  3. I'm glad you didn't have to bake it again since you didn't love it!

  4. Sorry it took me a couple days to visit your blog! I have been busy trying to paint my sewing studio!

    I am sorry you didn't like the recipe very much. I thought it was ok, but it won't be something I make often. I can see it as a recipe that I make during the holidays, if I have a lot of people over. I loved the nut topping though!
