Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Deep dish pepperoni pizza

Week 36

This week's host was Amanda. She choose Deep dish pepperoni pizza. Recipe on page 142 of our book.

Who doesn't like pizza. The bad thing is my husband who loves it the most out of our family is away this week on business. To bad he is missing out. The best kind of pizza in my books is the kind with big fluffy crust, which is exactly what this pizza was. I only had to restrain myself from adding some peppers and basil on top because, this week, it had to been exactly right, well almost. The past few weeks I have felt like my baking has been in a slump. It seems that everything I bake doesn't turn out the way it was expected to. Needless to say I wondered about the dough turning out because I used whole milk instead of skim. Couldn't bring myself to by skim milk. (not a fan)

Yes, it's as good as it looks! I used the quick and easy pizza sauce recipe in the book. (pg.139) It was really good but could of used some more spices. I will make a note for that next time. Other then that I really have no complaints. It was delicious! I will probably end up making it again in the next week or two for my hubby. He was jealous when I told him how good it was over the phone.

Roll the dough into a circle slightly smaller then the cake pan. My favorite part was tossing the dough around on my knuckles to form and bigger circle. I felt like a real pizza maker.

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza! Who doesn't like pizza. This is what we had for dinner last night along with some sliced cucumbers. Thanks Amanda for choose this recipe. It was great to kill two birds with one stone. This would have to be one of my favorite things about the baking club. If you want a yummy homemade pizza click HERE for the recipe.

A Tip & A Question:
  1. Homemade is always better then store bought!
  2. Why did the recipe want us to cook the pepperoni in the microwave before hand. I couldn't justify leaving it out on the counter for 45 minutes while the dough rose some more.
  3. Also, I have one more question today. Is the only difference in using a lighter milk in recipes to make it less fattening?


  1. We loved this pizza! I will use it again!

  2. In the book, if you read the note in the box it address your two questions. They cook the pepperoni to remove some of the fat. And skim milk helps it rise better and makes it more fluffy.

    1. Opps, my bad. I didn't read it. You made me feel dumb.

    2. Opps, my bad. I didn't read it. You made me feel dumb.

  3. That does look good. Jen, homemade is always better
    just takes more time.

